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The Chief Executive Officer Corner

From the desk of the CEO! 



I’d like to personally welcome each of you to JME Edwards L.L.C. It’s a stimulating time for JME Edwards as we continue to grow and adapt, remaining always adaptable leaders, motivated, and dedicated to our city and its individuals. Our company is encountering a time of many modifications and we’re meeting these modifications during a time of need ensuring to help change our nation and globe. JME Edwards is an exciting area in which to network, educate, learn, and we’ll continue to meet and bring inspired individuals together in opportunities like this, to ensure JME Edwards L.L.C. remains at the top of professionalism and the best for consultants and coaches.



I’d like to give you an idea of what you can expect and what we hope we can achieve as soon as possible.

  • Building a strong team of coaches and consultants 

  • Expand the company

  • Find a new primary office location

  • Hire a professional team 

  • Network and market JME Edwards L.L.C. brand



Let me give you a brief update on where we are today. We are currently looking for other partnering companies as well as additional professional leaders to help build our company brand.  To find out more information visit the contact page or email


We’re now transmuting the way we operate to continuously improve our ability to better our company and partnerships.  Our team and partners who put faith in JME Edwards have continued to meet the challenges of our field and to outshine despite setbacks. Our company's current clients/customers should be very proud of where we are today and excited about where they are headed.



Before I close, I’d like to thank each of you for viewing our new and improved website and for being a part of a company of great opportunity. You, as future business or organization leaders, have the key to success, the knowledge, the wherewithal, and the experience to help us pave a bright road into the future. You are truly our greatest asset now and any other day, and we could not achieve what we do without your support and faith in our mission. Throughout this company, I ask you to stay positive, be involved, keep us proactive, and help us shape the future of JME Edwards. My thoughtful love, respect, and thanks go out to all of you.





Dr. John M. Edwards (CEO)

Welcome You!!

JME Edwards L.L.C. 

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